Year of Study in Munich

A study abroad program established by Lewis & Clark College

Language Assistant in the USA

You are thinking about spending an academic year at an American college in the Pacific West? Teaching German to American students is the right challenge for you? Then our scholarship program for German students of the LMU Munich might be the perfect match.

Lewis & Clark College and Reed College in Portland Oregon are looking for German students to work for two semesters (September 2025 to May 2026) as Language Assistants in their German Departments.

You should fulfil the following requirements:

  • 3.-10. semester at the LMU Munich
  • enthusiasm, curiosity, creativity, commitment,
  • a solid knowledge of the German culture
  • passion for working with American students
  • preferably some experience in teaching

We offer the following benefits:

  • teaching experience
  • free room and board
  • health insurance
  • est. $300-500 per month
  • 1-2 classes as a visiting student at the college

How to apply

Your application can be in English or German. Please, turn in two identical versions. Your application should include the following documents:

  1. CV (including a photo)
  2. A short draft (1-2 pages) outlining a lesson (60 minutes) in a conversation class with ten American students. The German level of the students is A2/B1 and the lesson is held in the middle of the second semester.
  3. Please turn in your application in two folders:
    Ralf Saborrosch
    Year of Study in Munich
    Kaulbachstrasse 26
    80539 München
  4. The application deadline is December 1st, 2024

If you have any questions, please contact Ralf Saborrosch.


Now read what our former language assistants have to say about their year in Portland.

Ludwig Prokop, Reed College
„My year in Portland was sensational. It gave me the chance to fascinate young people for my culture and at the same time, get to know their culture. It was awesome!“

Friedrich Kühne, Lewis & Clark College
“Never before in my entire life has time flown by as fast as during the nine months at Lewis & Clark. I can not find words to describe how lucky I am to have gotten this opportunity to not only gain experience in teaching and speaking English, but also to find so many new friends!“

Anna Leipfinger, Lewis & Clark College
“This year as a Language Assistant offers you so many different opportunities – you can shape it how you like it and nine months do not seem to be enough time to try everything that is offered by the college and this great country.”

Katharina Roth, Lewis & Clark College
“Being a Student of German as a Foreign Language, my time at Lewis & Clark gave me the opportunity to explore the whole field of teaching German in a very creative and independent way. In addition to the teaching experience I gained, I got to enjoy the student life on campus just as much. The time at Lewis & Clark College was the foundation of great friendships with people from all over the world!“

Constanze Sabathil, Reed College
“My year at Reed was the best of my life so far. Teaching students about German, my culture and my country while at the same time being able to enjoy the numerous academic opportunities and leisure activities Reed has to offer, was simply amazing. I made some of my closest friends there and can wholeheartedly recommend the Language Assistantship – if I could, I would do it again.“

Johanna Huber, Lewis & Clark College
„That year has definitely been the most eventful and unique one in life so far. Immersing into the American culture by interacting daily with the diverse Lewis & Clark community really forms you and opens your mind.“