It is important to have a general idea about money matters if you decide on studying abroad. If you keep that in mind at an early stage, potential uncertainties can be avoided.
The program cost includes:
Not included in the tuition are costs for food and incidental expenses, such as postage, paper, books, toiletries, individual travel and so on. Some students live very cheaply by buying their own food and cooking in the dorm, while others prefer to spend more on food by eating in restaurants. The student dining hall, the Mensa, provides an inexpensive lunch to those who do not want to cook.
The Year of Study in Munich staff estimates that students need $300-600 per month for living in Munich.
Upon arriving in Munich, students will need €150 to cover their room deposit. The deposit will be returned at the end of the year if the room has been left in good order. The program supports your public transportation costs with 300 Euros.
Year of Study in Munich
Lewis & Clark College
Kaulbachstrasse 26
80539 Munich
Germany (Google Maps)
Telephone: 011 49 89 28675 692
Mobile: 011-49-151-40007357
Fax: 011-49-89-28675-717
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