What is it that you want to explore more than anything else? What company or institution will make you go the extra mile? If you decide to work on the answers, it is our goal to find the right match for you. In our eyes, an internship should be an inspiration for your future and not just another experience. It should have a direction and help you to find out where you want to go after your degree.

In the past our students have worked for political parliaments, businesses, social institutions and research projects. They met Germany’s political leaders, became familiar with green technology and found their passion in working with Munich’s most advanced social institutions. Learn more from them by reading what they have to say:
Ian Hooper, Deutscher Bundestag

“During my stint in the Bundestag, I was granted insight in the central workings of German policy making, with heavy emphasis placed on renewable energies and technologies. I not only gained entrance to all government buildings, but also attended plenary sessions, parliamentary working groups and even city-level policy debates. The internship was the best work experience I have had to date and I could not imagine a better way to have spent my semester break.”
Torsten Nilsson, Pascher+Heinz München

“I was given the opportunity to work at Pascher+Heinz and I wouldn't trade the experience for anything. P+H is a German marketing company with a sole focus on sports marketing. I worked in the concept department which meant I assisted in planning strategy for companies' ad campaigns. Working directly with international companies such as adidas, BMW, Dynafit, PowerBar, ABUS and many more was absolutely an unforgettable experience. The internship was amazing and both sparked my interest for possibly future work in marketing as well as interest in coming back and working in Germany later in life.”
Maddie Krezowski, Green City Energie GmbH

“I had the wonderful opportunity of working at a renewable energy company based in Munich. They work on various projects including wind, solar, biogas, hydro, etc. While working there I gained invaluable insights into their business model, the importance of German renewable energy policy in making companies like this profitable. As an intern, I was also able to do personal research for my thesis, which I presented to my coworkers at a staff meeting. My coworkers were warm and welcoming and made working at the company a lot of fun.”
Jill Nguyen, “Mehr Demokratie”

“My internship with Mehr Demokratie, a non-profit that focuses on promoting direct democracy within Germany and the EU, was exciting and engaging right off the bat. I was able to meet many people of all ages who were politically-involved from all regions of Germany. I did office managerial work and I was also in charge of starting a project for the website. This was a wonderful opportunity that not only greatly helped me with my German, but allowed me to gain an intimate understanding of the German political system.”
Devin McGeehan-Muchmore, Jüdisches Kulturzentrum

“My day-to-day tasks ranged from archiving historical documents on the German Jewry ,to translation work, to laying the foundation for an exchange program for Jewish youth from Munich and New York. I remain grateful for the opportunity to learn so much about the monumental ways Munich’s Jewish communities grapple with the memories of the Shoah and Soviet Rule, as well as the challenges posed by international migration in Germany’s increasingly multicultural society. I would not want to have missed this unique experience.”
Clara Williams, Pfennigparade

“I was given the amazing opportunity to work side-by-side with German workers in a school for disabled children. While at the school I fully immersed myself in the German culture, helping out in therapy sessions, playing games with the kids, helping with homework, and most of all getting to practice my German in a setting that was not the classroom. The most meaningful part, I felt, was sharing my story as an American and hearing the story of other Germans. I highly recommend an internship to anyone.”